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C. Segura Quirante, E. Fernandez Ondoño, M.N. Jimenez Morales
F.B. Navarro Reyes,
"Thinning affects the needlefall nutrient return to soil in a semiarid Aleppo pine afforestation while the nutrient dynamics remain unchanged", Forest Ecology And Management, vol.405
, 257-270, 2017
E. Fernandez Ondoño, G. Bacchetta-, A.M. Lallena Rojo, F.B. Navarro Reyes, I. Ortiz Bernad
M.N. Jimenez Morales,
"Use of BCR sequential extraction procedures for soils and plant metal transfer predictions in contaminated mine tailings", Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.172
, 133-141, 2017
V. González-Andrés, J. Salinas, F. Del Moral-Torres, I. Garcia Fernandez
M. Simón Torres,
"Using marble sludge and phytoextraction to remediate metal(loid) polluted soils", Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.174
, 29-34, 2017
Y. Achmon, J.D. Fernandez Bayo, K. Hernandez, D. McCurry, D. Harrold, J. Su, J. Stapleton, J. Vandergheynst
C. Simmons,
"Weed seed inactivation in soil mesocosms via biosolarization with mature compost and tomato processing waste amendments", Pest Management Science, vol.74
, 862-873, 2017
J.D. Fernandez Bayo, T. Randall, Y. Achmon, K. Hestmark, D. Harrold, J. Su, R. Dahlquist-Willard, T. Gordon, J. Stapleton
C. Simmons,
"Effect of Partially Stabilized Organic Amendments on Volatile Acids Production and Pest Inactivation using Soil Biosolarization"
, 2017
C. Segura Quirante, F.J. Martin Peinado
E. Fernandez Ondoño,
"Juntos hacia la agroecología", "Buenas prácticas en las iniciativas de ciencia ciudadana `Andalucía, mejor con ciencia' 2016", 63-71, 2016
M. Simón Torres, J. Salinas, F. Del Moral-Torres
I. Garcia Fernandez,
"Use of waste to improve soil water holding capacity", "Solos e água: Fontes (Esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento", 317-320, 2016
J.D. Fernandez Bayo
"Changes in soil microbial diversity following amendment with mesophilic and thermophilic digestates during soil solarization", "11th Annual DOE Joint Genome Institute Genomics of Energy and Environment Meeting", None-None, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024