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L. Márquez, M.P. Reyes Martín, I. Ortiz Bernad, E. Fernandez Ondoño
M. Sierra Aragon,
"Evaluation of soil carbon pools after the addition of prunings in subtropical orchards placed in terraces", "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017", None-None, 2017
M. García Carmona, M.P. Reyes Martín, L. Márquez, D. Franco-Tarifa, I. Ortiz Bernad
E. Fernandez Ondoño,
"Evolución en contenido en nutrientes en el fruto chirimoyo (Annona cherimola M.) por la aplicación de restos de poda ", "RENS 2017 ¿ XXXI REUNIÓN NACIONAL DE SUELOS", None-None, 2017
J.D. Fernandez Bayo, A. Parr, Y. Achmon, E. Shea, E. Lopez, J. Stapleton, J. Vandergheynst, A. Hodson
C. Simmons,
"Nematicidal Activity of Biosolarization Using Almond Waste Amendments", "Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach Symposium", None-None, 2017
J. Nieto-Carricondo, A. Garcia-Fuentes, L.M. García Fernández
E. Fernandez Ondoño,
"Períodos de estabilidad analítica para diagnóstico foliar en olivo de riego de la variedad picual", "XVIII Feria Internacional del aceite de oliva e industrias afines", None-None, 2017
J. Porta, J. Mataix Solera, I. Ortiz Bernad, C.D. Arbelo, M. Díaz Raviña, D. Badía, J.M. Alcañiz, F. Santos , M. Hermosin-Gaviño
M.T. Barral,
"The Spanish Society of Soil Science: Main projects and activities developed during the last years", "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017", None-None, 2017
L. Márquez, M.P. Reyes Martín, I. Ortiz Bernad, R. Graczyk, A. Seniczak, M. Sierra Aragon
E. Fernandez Ondoño,
"Using oribatid mites to assess soil quality after the addition of prunings in subtropical orchards", "1st WORLD CONFERENCE ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION UNDER GLOBAL CHANGE (CONSOWA) ", None-None, 2017
J.D. Fernandez Bayo, Y. Achmon, D. Harrold, D. McCurry, K. Hernandez, R. Dahlquist-Willard, J. Stapleton, J. Vandergheynst
C. Simmons,
"Assessment of Two Solid Anaerobic Digestate Soil Amendments for Effects on Soil Quality and Biosolarization Efficacy", Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol.65
, 3434-3442, 2017
J.D. Fernandez Bayo, Y. Achmon, D. Harrold, J. Claypool, B. Simmons, S. Singer, R. Dahlquist-Willard, J. Stapleton, J. Vandergheynst
C. Simmons,
"Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity", Applied Soil Ecology, vol.119
, 183-191, 2017
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024